Download the e-book
'Plastronics: the combination of plastics and electronics'

Plastronics is an emerging technology that has huge potential for growth. This e-book explains exactly what Plastronics is, the different lines of development available and the advantages of adding them to your business.


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Comprehensive support

AIMPLAS offers comprehensive support for companies that wish to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by plastronics and its multiple areas of use.

Experts in plastic

Our team, which is made up of 150 highly qualified staff, is on hand to help you find the solution that dovetails with your needs.

How can AIMPLAS help your company?

  We offer advice on the different lines of development available in plastronics.
  We design flexible electronic devices which can be used in a broad variety of industries.
  We can help you to develop materials and products with conductive properties.
  We can integrate electric circuits in injected or thermoformed products to give them new functions.